Heavenly Vitamins
Let us give thanks to Our Heavenly Father. Jesus, King of Glory, is our Living Word who encourages us by His Holy Spirit with His Words of LIFE.
So here are new songs of affirmation and declaration, for equipping us all to be saints in Light.
Restorative Spiritual Songs are direct from the Word, will be tonic like good medicine for the spirit, body, mind and soul that gives voice to our Heavenly Father’s Love and Care for us all.
An alphabet of simple songs will help us meditate on and remember Our Heavenly Father’s Word with Flowing Grace. Singing them out will help these truths to positively dwell deep in our hearts and spirits.
Offerings of Praise and Thanks to God can be heartily sung round. We may swim, march, dance, prayer walk or simply be, as we sing them heartily. They will do us good and build us up as we sing out and give voice to these Heavenly Vitamins, and share them with each other too. Resonate with the frequency of Heaven!
Val Edwards has a degree in Molecular Sciences. She is Mum to four and is now a Gran and lives on the South Coast of the UK with her husband and author Jim. She enjoys seeing the Lord in Creation capturing glimpses of His Glory, with her photography.
In appreciating God’s Steadfast Love and Tender Mercies, she sometimes dances with the tambourine and is learning the soothing flow of the Celtic Harp, in her worship of Our Heavenly Father, Our Lord Jesus, and Life-Giving Holy Spirit.
As a teacher she is keen to share these tools to equip, build up and encourage everyone with the Living Word, so that these Truths move from the head to the heart, becoming Faith in action; Faith working through Love.
ISBN-13: 978-1082392283
ISBN-10: 1082392286
Kindle ASIN: