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Jim Edwards

Covenant Partnership

The sequel to 'Mercy - God's Covenant Assistance', 'Covenant Partnership' is now available on Amazon.

Jesus cut covenant with His Father on our behalf, to make a deep loving relationship with God, the All-Mighty-One, available to you and I.

This powerful dimension to our relationship with Father God builds on the legal frameworks of the Courts of Heaven and Blood Covenant. Through our New Covenant with Jesus, we are brought into this intimate, trusting relationship with our Heavenly Father who is longing to open up and reveal His Heart to you.

Covenant Partnership is explored through the lives of Abraham, Moses and David who illustrate the intimacy, responsibility and the huge blessing our Heavenly Father has for each one of us.

Far greater than you dared to imagine, your destiny spans the generations and is promised to you with all the power of His legally binding covenant. Are you hungry enough to search out His Ways and His Plans for you and your children’s children down the generations?

This is your assignment.

Available in Print or Kindle

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